e-learnmedia CAFÉ 2023

e-learnmedia CAFÉ 2023

Digital Learning Conference

11th of October 2023, Lindner**** Hotel Gallery Central, Bratislava

Online attendance of the conference is available.

For the thirteenth year, we will give you a glimpse into the kitchen of experts in the field of learning and development not only from Slovak and Czech companies. Come and be inspired by interesting topics, trends, experiences and news. Again in a relaxed atmosphere, with popular networking, panel discussion and good coffee.


Constant change, robotization and the sudden advent of AI have also drawn our attention to the challenges of corporate learning. We now know that it's not enough just to persist in taking orders, generating training and reporting on training completed. If L&D is to be meaningful, we should focus on a more strategic view of learning, engaging in corporate decision making and measuring the real impact of learning.

How to do this? How can technology help us do this? What are the roles and challenges of L&D? This is also what we will be talking about at the e-learnmedia CAFÉ 2023 digital learning conference.


Reminisce about our conferences from past years.

e-learnmedia CAFÉ 2022

e-learnmedia CAFÉ 2021

Who is the conference for?

  • HR Directors
  • HR Managers
  • L&D Professionals
  • Specialists for Digital Technologies in L&D
  • Executives
  • Teamleaders
  • Enthusiasts and Supporters of E-learning and Digital Technologies

You will see these speakers

We connect professionals, that can share know-how, inspire one another and can build new relationships or friendships in friendly and relaxed environment.

Conference program

Enjoy a full day of inspirational topics, interesting technologies, networking and great atmosphere!

08:30 | Registration & morning coffee

09:00 | Welcome

09:20 | Ako sa stať strategickým partnerom pre biznis? Odkrývanie potenciálu L&D v spoločnosti Orange

Marek Csóka, Learning & Skills Development Manager, Orange Slovensko, a. s.
Sveťo Styk, HR Strategy Projects Expert at Orange, Orange Slovensko, a. s.

Marek a Sveťo nám sprostredkujú svoje skúsenosti s tým, ako budujú pozíciu L&D ako partnera pre biznis v spoločnosti Orange. Podelia sa o cestu, ako so svojimi internými zákazníkmi nadviazali partnerský vzťah. Priblížia spôsoby ako v Orange pristupujú k meraniu dopadov vzdelávania a porozprávajú aj o tom, ako využívajú vo svojej vzdelávacej práci technológie.

09:50 | Learning with impact: How to design effective learning experiences that align to business goals

Lars Hyland, Managing Director - EMEA / CLO, Totara Learning

Too much training is disconnected from meaningful outcomes for both the business and the individual. That’s because the design process fails to unify learning, feedback and collaborative practice. That is the only route to real skills adoption and improved performance at work.

10:20 | Coffee break & networking

10:50 | Zručnosti pre dobu KENN, do ktorej sme vstúpili

Vladimír Šucha, Vedúci Zastúpenia Európskej komisie na Slovensku

KENN sú začiatočné písmená kľúčových slov: komplexný, exponenciálny, nejasný a nejednoznačný. Je to doba, do ktorej nás vtiahla digitálna revolúcia. Istoty nedávnej minulosti prestávajú existovať a kontúry blízkej budúcnosti len tušíme. Ako sa na túto dobu pripraviť, ako bude vyzerať práca budúcnosti a aké zručnosti nám pomôžu v tejto dobe existovať? Odpovede aj na tieto otázky budeme hľadať počas Vladimírovej prezentácie.

11:20 | Nahliadnite do kuchyne vzdelávania v Pixel Federation

Martina Gallovičová, People Business Partner & Internal Coach, Pixel Federation

Herný biznis je dynamický, podmienky a potreby trhu sa rýchlo menia. Pixel preto investuje nemalé prostriedky do rozvoja ľudí a vzdelávanie je v tejto firme jednou z kľúčových biznis priorít. Martina vám príde porozprávať o tom, ako vyzerala ich cesta k funkčnému systému vzdelávania, akú podobu má dnes, čo boli “lessons learned”, z ktorých sa poučili a akú zmenu vo vzdelávaní za posledné obdobie spozorovali.

11:50 | Leave no man behind!

Vilém Fabiánek, Odborník na digitální ekosystémy vzdělávání, Volkswagen

Svět se stále zrychluje a práce L&D je nenechat nikoho pozadu. Jak ale zjistit komu skutečně hrozí, že mu ujede vlak? Jak s ním o tom mluvit a jak pomoct, aby mohol naskočit na vlak další a být součástí změny/transformace?

12:20 | Lunch & networking

13:40 | Panelová diskusia: Ako umelá inteligencia (z)mení firemné vzdelávanie a rozvoj?

Patrik Serbin, Sveťo Styk, Vladimír Šucha, Vilém Fabiánek, moderátor Juraj Gabrhel

S našimi hosťami budeme hovoriť o úlohe umelej inteligencie (AI) v kontexte vzdelávania a rozvoja (L&D). Budeme diskutovať o tom, ako AI formuje stratégie a príležitosti v oblasti firemného L&D v rámci trhu EÚ. Naši hostia sa podelia o svoje skúsenosti a poznatky o osvedčených postupoch, inováciách a trendoch, ktoré môžu organizácie využiť, pričom budú dbať na dodržiavanie predpisov a etické aspekty.

14:30 | Klíčové aspekty vzdělávání při práci z pohledu zaměstnanců vs manažerů firem

Tomáš Ervín Dombrovský, analytik pracovního trhu, LMC (+ sesterská Profesia)

Jakou podobu má firemní vzdělávání z pohledu dat a průzkumů mezi manažery i samotnými zaměstnanci? Kde jsou jeho limity? Jak se liší motivace pro vzdělávání při práci dle jednotlivých aktérů? Kde je pro firemní vzdělávání největší příležitosti (dnes obvyke silná slabina) vzhledem k budoucím nárokům a výzvám na pracovním trhu? Data nám odpoví na všechny tyto otázky.

15:00 | Coffee break & networking

15:30 | Vzdelávanie ako kľúčový prvok Employer Value Proposition v Nemocnici Bory

Jana Palenčárová, HR riaditeľka, Nemocnica Bory

Ako môže vyzerať vzdelávanie v prostredí nemocnice, ktoré tvorí kľúčový prvok Employer Value Proposition a je prítomné už od náboru zamestnancov? Spolu s Janou Palenčárovou sa pozrieme na to, ako sa v tomto segmente využívajú prvky priemyslu 4.0., ako používajú vo vzdelávaní gamifikáciu, ako vyzerajú riadené simulácie a zároveň ako sú do vzdelávania zaradené e-learningy alebo online prednášky.

16:00 | Vzdelávanie v gastre v modernom štýle od Plzeňského Prazdroja

Marko Mozolák, JUNIOR CUSTOMER DEVELOPMENT MANAGER, Plzeňský Prazdroj Slovensko

Predstavenie unikátneho digitálneho nástroja určeného na vzdelávanie nielen zákazníkov Plzeňského Prazdroja, ale aj ich personálu, či interných zamestnancov. Tento portál nasleduje novodobé trendy a priamo do gastra prináša množstvo interaktívnych kurzov, ktoré pomôžu rozvíjať ľudí z odboru hneď vo viacerých dôležitých oblastiach. Akadémia Prvý pri zdroji stelesňuje komplexný nástroj pre rast podnikania všetkých prevádzok, ktoré sa chcú neustále zlepšovať a túžia patriť skutočne medzi tie najlepšie.

16:30 | Summary

16:50 | Networking & drink

Download zone

To watch the video recording from the conference, please enter the password and confirm.

We look forward to meeting you at the conference location

11th of October 2023
Lindner**** Hotel Gallery Central, Metodova 4, Bratislava

Frequently Asked Questions

Most common questions about the conference.
e-learnmedia CAFÉ is a space that we created thirteen years ago to connect our clients, partners and all digital learning enthusiasts. We try to bring to you and share with you the latest insights and our experience from the world of digital learning. (CAFÉ is an acronym for Client Advisory Forum Event)
The conference is for L&D Directors, L&D and HR Managers, Specialists for Digital Technologies in L&D, L&D Specialists, Executives, Teamleaders and all enthusiasts of digital learning and talent development in business.

There are two options to attend the conference:

1. Personal (on-site) attendance

  • Take the opportunity to sign up for a discounted entrance fee of early bird 160 € without VAT per participant until July 31, 2023.
  • The basic fee applies: 1 participant / 190 € excl. VAT
  • Members of HRcomm association are entitled to a 10 % discount on participation fee

Participation fee includes: 2x coffee break + lunch + conference related organizational costs + video recording after the conference.

COVID-19: If we will be unable to meet in person due to statewide protective measures, we will refund the fee in full, or you will be able to attend the conference via online method and we will refund the difference in participation fees.

2. Online attendance

  • Take the opportunity to sign up for a discounted entrance fee of early bird 120 € without VAT per participant until July 31, 2023.
  • The basic fee applies: 1 participant / 140 € excl. VAT
  • Members of HRcomm association are entitled to a 10 % discount on participation fee

Participation fee includes video recording that we willl send you after the conference.

Payment method: By bank transfer or by card on our e-shop

Registration closing: 10.10.2023, 17:00

Cancellation fees:

  • If you cancel your registration 22 or more days before the conference, cancellation fee is 0 EUR
  • If you cancel your registration 7 – 21 days before the conference, cancellation fee is 50 % of the participation fee
  • If you cancel less then 7 days before the conference, cancellation fee is 100 % of the participation fee

If you cannot attend the conference yourself, a substitute can take your place. In that case, please, let us know as soon as possible.

You can register for the conference by purchasing a ticket through our e-shop.
There will be :) To conclude the conference, we have prepared for participants an opportunity to engage in informal networking while enjoying a small bite. You can also use breaks during the event for additional networking. Online participants will be able to enjoy special content during breaks.
Presentations will be given in Slovak, Czech or English language.

Regarding the attendance at the conference, we will follow the currently valid regulations of the ÚVZ SR at the time of the conference.

Main organizer of the conference e-learnmedia CAFÉ 2023 is e-learnmedia, s. r. o.

e-learnmedia, s. r. o.
Prievozská 14, 821 09 Bratislava
tel.: +421 2 32 60 40 11
e-mail: info@e-learnmedia.sk

e-learnmedia CAFÉ 2023 will be held in Lindner Hotel Gallery Central, Metodova 4, Bratislava.

You can park in an underground parking garage of the hotel for 4 hours without charge. After the 4-hour limit, you will be charged 2 EUR/car/hour.

Ideally leave the car at home! You won't regret it ;)

e-learnmedia CAFÉ 2023 will be held in Lindner Hotel Gallery Central, Metodova 4, Bratislava.

If you come by car, you can park in an underground parking garage of the hotel for 4 hours without charge. After the 4-hour limit, you will be charged 2 EUR/car/hour. Ideally leave the car at home! You won't regret it ;)

You can also use a public transportation (bus, tram, trolleybus). The public transportation stop near the hotel is called "Trnavské mýto".

We hope that we will be able to meet in person in October. If this will be impossible due to statewide COVID-19 protective measures, you can attend the conference online. You will also receive a video recording of the conference after the event.


Biznis partners


Media partners

Are you interested in a partnership? Contact us at sales@e-learnmedia.sk.